Xunlu AI: an AIGC platform for cross-border trade suppliers

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Ecological Partner

Empowering Overseas Marketing with AIGC

Xunlu AI: Your Smart Partner for Global Marketing
Xunlu AI: Empowering B2B Cross-border Business with AIGC Solutions for Intelligent Website Development and Precision Marketing.

Backed by global high-quality traffic resources
Expand traffic through multiple channels,
let global buyers easily find your products

Google Multilingual SEO Services: Make it easy for global buyers to find you and enhance your website's organic search visibility across languages, effectively increasing your online exposure.
Xunlu provides Google SEM advertising delivery management and content creative production, directly targets the target customer group, helps users achieve precise product marketing, and brings more high-quality consultation and order conversion
By integrating first-level agency resources, we can provide merchants with sufficient Facebook advertising account resources, provide advertising credit services for high-quality customers, create a traffic highland, and realize product sales to the world
Through TikTok with 1 billion+ monthly active users, create a new global marketing front, achieve greater exposure, build brand influence, and let more users see and buy your products

Zero-based entry, provides relevant cross-border fields professional training courses,
precisely improve the ability of sellers to go overseas

  • Professional Courses

    Zero foundation course,created by Xunlu professional advertising optimizer,systematic explanation Google、facebookand other forms of advertising on multiple platforms、account structure、delivery skills and effect evaluation,can quickly establish the basic concept of advertising

  • Online Interaction

    Regularly start special small class training,tens of millions of advertising optimizers stationed in the online community,hands-on teaching,interact with merchants in real time,improve learning efficiency

  • Hot Question and Answer

    From an expert perspective,combining hot topics that sellers are most concerned about,solve various problems encountered by sellers in cross-border sea travel,help sellers achieve profit growth

  • Private School

    FUN private school meeting,face-to-face with professional tutors in various fields,sharing on various topics related to cross-border overseas travel,help sellers deeply understand the cross-border market

Authoritative testimony

Believe that in the future, Xunlu will be able to develop more imaginative products around existing cross-border sellers and overseas user data. Innovation Works is very optimistic about the ability and execution of the Xunlu team and this track. In the future, it has the opportunity to grow into a company worth more than tens of billions of dollars.

Innovation workshop
Xunlu investor

Before, we were all traditional OEM and ODM foreign trade. In order to increase profits and income, we found Xunlu and wanted to use the independent station business model to expand new customers. In the first year of service cycle, the site construction and operation were completed, and the natural ranking of the website was improved through SEO, and the conversion of inquiries was improved through SEM. In 2022, the subscription has been successfully renewed, and advertising has been increased, and the second year of global promotion has now started!

Ms. Zhang
A children's clothing foreign trade factory in Yiwu

We are a Yiwu enterprise that has been deeply involved in the field of e-commerce for many years, mainly meeting the needs of overseas merchants for customized jewelry production and drop shipping. We explored the independent website at the early stage of the establishment of the company, but the website construction was limited and the effect was mediocre. In order to improve the conversion of website leads and find Xunlu, after nearly a year of cooperation, not only the website was renovated and upgraded, but also through Google SEM to help We achieved an increase in inquiries.

Mr. Wang
Yiwu leads e-commerce
Beijing/Guangzhou/Shenzhen/Dongguan/Zhengzhou/Xuchang/Yiwu/Wuhan/Chengdu/San Francisco/London/Singapore
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